Author: walkabout
What You Think Entrepreneurship Means to You?

When you think about being an entrepreneur, what does that mean to you? For some people, it means having your own business and owning the business. In others’ opinions, it means being self-employed but not necessarily owning your own business. For those who don’t want to be an entrepreneur at all, they might think it means starting a small side hustle or freelancing full-time. And for some, entrepreneurship means creating your own business.
Regardless of your opinion about entrepreneurship, our national culture has made us all entrepreneurs to varying degrees. Our American culture emphasizes the idea of being self-employed and becoming an entrepreneur – our youth are even made to do so. We see it in their careers, we see it in their financial plans, and we see it in the amount of time they spend on entrepreneurial activities. If you have read an article about a college student interning at a startup company, you can bet that they are aspiring to become an entrepreneur.
I have learned in the past three years that entrepreneurship is more than just starting a business. Entrepreneurship is not just a “business”; it is an ideology and lifestyle. To be a good entrepreneur, you must have the passion and patience to wait for your idea to turn into something tangible. You must also have the perseverance to figure out your plan – as well as the courage to take risks and not give up in the process.

However, because of how much we are taught about entrepreneurship nowadays, many people think that being an entrepreneur is synonymous with being successful. They believe that if you work hard enough, then you should be able to succeed with little effort on your end. That is not true. Simply put, entrepreneurship is not just about making a lot of money; it’s about being proud of the work that you do and the choices you make
I have seen many examples of this firsthand. For example, my friend Joe has an entrepreneurial mindset. He has taught me a lot about what it means to be an entrepreneur, as he has his own business that he enjoys doing every day. Although he is doing very well in his company, being an entrepreneur does not mean getting rich overnight.
Joe is an example of someone who worked hard for many years before he could support himself. He has learned, like most entrepreneurs in the real world, that it takes a lot of patience to get anywhere and that things take time to build.
Our culture also makes us believe that entrepreneurship is just about making a lot of money. Therefore, we do not know how to think about entrepreneurship in the real world and instead make ourselves believe that entrepreneurship means making millions overnight. The truth is that many people can start their businesses and make some quick money, but only a few can succeed with their businesses because they built the company around something they had worked on for years before they started iT.
Although entrepreneurship seems like a quick way to success and independence, it is a long journey that cannot be accomplished overnight. You must take the time to consider your options, plan responsibly, and be patient while you strive toward your goals. If you’re an entrepreneur working in the real world, then you know that starting a business isn’t easy.
Entrepreneurship may seem like the easy way out sometimes, but it takes more hard work and more time than any ordinary job ever would. I am glad that I have learned about all of these things so far in my life as an entrepreneur.
I know that being an entrepreneur is not easy. However, that’s because of the work that we put into it. Being an entrepreneur requires a lot of hard work and patience but passion and perseverance. Although entrepreneurship can be frustrating, it often comes with amazing rewards if you are committed to it. So if you have ever wanted to be an entrepreneur or have thought about starting your own business, then I hope this article has inspired you to do so one day!
Although entrepreneurship may not seem like the easiest job in the world at first glance, I think that entrepreneurs are some of the hardest workers out there – which is why they are so successful when they eventually reach their goals
Advantages of Ethical Behavior in Business

Ethical behavior in business can pay off in a big way. Such businesses have longer-lasting customer relationships and may even receive more growth opportunities. We interact with many people, businesses, and companies daily, and we are always pleased when the companies we do business with treat us fairly, honestly, and with respect. We will probably continue to do business with these companies.
The Advantages of Ethical Behavior in Business include;
1. Increased Business Opportunities
This statement holds in many different ways. When a business has a reputation for being honest and ethical, it gains more customers as word-of-mouth spreads. A company’s willingness to work with various nonprofits and charities will show an interest in giving back to the community and a good reputation. Businesses that run strictly on ethical principles can expect growth opportunities because investors are more likely to fund the company.
2. Maintaining Good Customer Relations
It is a fact that if a company treats its customers with respect and honesty, they will usually come back to do business with the business again. This is because the customer knows they can trust the business not to take advantage of them.

3. Receiving Awards and Donations
Because ethical companies give back to the community, it is generally recognized as good company for the economy. This can lead to receiving awards from local governments and other business organizations. Also, companies that give back to the community are more likely to receive donations.
4. Strengthening the Company’s Reputation and Brand Name Recognition
When a company acts ethically, it will attract customers because they are impressed with the business’s reputation. Word-of-mouth is an essential method of spreading the word to potential customers. Customers also become more aware of any new products or services a company provides because other consumers are already familiar with the business and want to see what else they could buy or use from this provider.
5. Higher Ethical Standards Will Attract More Investors
While this can be true for individual businesses that already have a good reputation, companies need to invest in ethics education so they can better understand where the ethical boundaries of their profession lie. To ensure that employees are accurately trained and educated on the company’s ethical and legal standards, hiring an employee relations specialist can help to set up and maintain a positive working environment for the company.
6. Creates a Positive Work Environment
Employees who are trained and educated on ethics will not feel as though they are being mistreated. In turn, they will treat their fellow employees and customers positively. Having an ethical work environment helps create more positive relationships between co-workers and the business.
7. Avoidance of Legal Issues
Having an ethical work environment helps to avoid any legal issues. When employees feel they are being treated fairly, they are less likely to speak with a lawyer and can adequately address any issues that may arise. By educating employees, businesses can help resolve business issues before they become more serious.

8. Builds Customer Loyalty
Businesses can build loyalty by providing excellent customer service and always treating customers with respect. Customers will remain loyal to the business because of its positive reputation, and this loyalty can be passed on to future clients and customers. As long as the business continues to be ethical, it can expect repeat customers that are likely to return due to loyalty.
9. Bargains More Effectively in the Marketplace
Businesses that act ethically show people that they understand what is morally right. Purchasers and sellers alike are more likely to trust an ethically sound company because they demonstrate the ability to understand right from wrong. This leads to better contracts and more honest transactions.
10. Profitable Businesses
Ethical businesses will often be able to provide customers with products and services of better quality than their competitors. Customers can also be assured that they will be treated fairly when doing business with such companies. This helps build a long-term relationship of trust between the business and the customer, which benefits both parties.
11. Equal Treatment
By treating all employees equally, businesses can provide employees with growth opportunities. This will help to make the company more competitive in the marketplace and help to attract new employees that are interested in working in such a company. They will also be less likely to leave the business because of potential problems at work.
Although this is not an extensive study of the ethical values embedded in the basic business principles we know today. There is much that can be done to improve the ethical behavior of companies today; there is also much that can be done to strengthen ethical practices. Unfortunately, some companies will employ unethical practices and then cover them up; these companies are largely responsible for many of the unethical practices that take place in today’s business world.
The Walkabout Mag and the “Happy Movement”
Walking makes me happy. Period. Hence, the Walkabout Mag! We put the happiness into our daily lives. Movement and exercise in general are a big part of happiness (whether you believe that at first glance or not).
Also a good thing that we feel raises our happiness quotient is healthy eating. I really want to get some good articles out here for you on that subject!
Give me a little bit of time to get some of the articles together and posted for you. Come back very soon and you’ll see what we’ve got going on. Thanks.
What Are the 4 Types of Entrepreneur?
September 30, 2022
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While each entrepreneur has unique personality traits, they share common characteristics too. These include being self-motivated, innovative, and adaptable. The goal is to help you identify your type before taking the entrepreneurial leap.
No two entrepreneurs are the same, but most can be classified into four categories or types. They are builders, opportunists, specialists, and innovators. The category you fall into will be based on your personality and what motivates you most.
1. Builder
A builder is a driven-by-passion entrepreneur who wants to build a company that’s bigger than themselves. Builders usually start their businesses because they aren’t happy with their current work environment and want to move on to their own.
They are usually early to the party, read a lot, listen to podcasts and work on side projects. As a builder, you want to be an owner of your business to maximize your profits. They tend to be idealists and dreamy about what they want their company to look like in the future and are often afraid of failure.
Builders are usually very resourceful with how they get what they need. They may think outside the box when obtaining supplies or funds. Because they don’t want anyone else controlling their ideas, it’s more likely that building your own company will bring out the best in you because you’ll have complete control over all aspects of it.
Some builders can get deals and investments because they can talk and convince others of their ideas. I call this the “glow” because when you talk to them, you get a warm feeling from being with them.
They are usually very good at persuading others to see their point of view. However, if there are hiccups or problems along the way, it can be difficult for a builder to get past it as they tend to be more emotionally involved than the other entrepreneurs.
A builder is most suited for a company with several sectors or niches within that umbrella organization and does not fall into one specific industry. Builders should not look at starting a niche business but a company that is more in the general market.
2. Opportunist
An opportunist tends to see opportunities for growth before anyone else does. When starting their business, this entrepreneur tends to avoid being tied down by unnecessary costs or arrangements around overhead expense items.
They are also very goal-oriented and don’t let anything stop them from achieving their goals. They tend to be a little more risk-averse and unsure of themselves when starting up their own company. However, they can be very reliable in finding the best deals because they tend to rely on their gut feelings more than others.
Their main goal is to make money without considering how much risk it takes. This is how they can save money over time while still having a profitable business. An opportunist is a person who doesn’t become attached or too emotionally attached to people and things around them once they’re doing well financially.
They also tend to have good connections with people who have contacts that can help their business grow. They’re good at networking and connecting with others, making it easier for them to find the resources they need for their company.
3. Specialist
A specialist is an unorthodox entrepreneur who is good at getting things done for themselves. They are usually very self-motivated and can be very stubborn when getting their way.
Specialists are usually the type of person who thinks outside the box and isn’t afraid to take risks. They need freedom of movement in the business because they like the idea of being able to move quickly around the business if required.
Specialists are usually very good at building employee morale and establishing a good culture for their company. Since they’re not tied down by anything, their relationships with their employees don’t go past work-related issues or business needs, making it easier for them to work with others on team projects.
A specialist should not look at starting a business that has a niche market. They usually do well in large businesses that focus less on one specific sector. This type of entrepreneur is ideal for more general roles and allows them to move around their company when necessary.
4. Innovator
An innovator is an outstanding entrepreneur at taking risks and making their business grow. They tend to be more prone to danger when starting up a business and can be overly aggressive in their work style.
This type of entrepreneur usually focuses on creating a company that’s very productive through rapid expansion or the use of explosive growth. This personality tends to have a lot of energy and enjoy working with others because it allows them to move around the business efficiently.
Innovators can seem uncaring in how they run their companies, but if you take a closer look, you’ll see how much passion they have for what they do. They can be very creative, which is usually a good attribute for new entrepreneurs because it gives them more business ideas.
If you’re an innovator, you will do better in businesses that are more focused on one specific niche market. Since this type of entrepreneur likes to take risks, they tend to focus better on one area than trying to branch out. This way, they won’t get muddled into having too many ideas and can concentrate on doing things differently from the rest of the competition.